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Agriculture and fisheries "deficit" billions

Selling prices fell sharply did exports of agro - forestry - fishery "evaporation" of 1.82 billion in first 10 months

According to the Ministry of Industry and Trade, in the first 10 months, exports of goods in the country reached 134.6 billion dollars, up 8.5% from the same period last year. However, the agricultural - forestry - fishery exports continued to drop sharply to 9.7% yoy, reaching $ 16.9 billion. Selling prices fell as many goods exports to the whole sector lost 1.82 billion.

Seafood exports decline

Processing Association of Seafood Exporters and Vietnam (VASEP) said in QIII / 2015, seafood export activities of enterprises still no sign of recovery and even decreased to 16.5% compared to same period. Ten months of the year, seafood exports reached only country 5.45 billion. In particular, the shrimp are found most severely affected as exports continued to fall 27% -30% from early this year, only $ 2.4 billion.

The other items like fish, tuna, squid, octopus also declined from 11% to 30% over the same period. Exports to the US market lost focus as nearly 27%, the European Union (EU) fell by 19% and Japan 15%.

Xuất khẩu tôm của Việt Nam liên tục sụt giảm từ đầu năm. Trong ảnh: Thu hoạch tôm ở ĐBSCL Ảnh: NGỌC TRINH
Vietnam's shrimp exports continuously declined from a year earlier. In the photo: Harvesting shrimp in MD Photo: Ngoc Trinh
"The importer sought prices, rival countries to boost exports export fish makes capital in less active status from 2 years to more pressure from the anti-dumping duty periods and POR11 POR10 with High tax rates ... As a result, the export of these commodities little chance to grow again "- representatives of VASEP said. Although consumer demand for year-end seafood products will increase, the forecast of VASEP shows the total seafood export turnover this year will reach about 6.6 billion, down 15% from last year.

With rice, according to data from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the volume of rice exported 10 months reached 5.32 million tonnes with a turnover of 2.26 billion, down 4.6% in volume and decreased 11.7% in value over the same period last year. Rice export activity only really took off when Vietnam recently winning the contract to supply rice to the Philippines and Indonesia markets.

Also hard to the end year

The consumer market is poor, lower export prices and fluctuations in the prices of foreign currencies against the dollar has greatly affect fisheries export sector of Vietnam. The wave of devaluation and floating of domestic currency against the dollar in the market and the main exporter makes not only shrimp but also other commodities of Vietnam have difficulty competing in the export market, especially in Noodle. Currencies some countries directly compete with Vietnam in the US market, the EU has fallen very sharply from early this year, as copper rupiad (Indonesia) fell more than 40% and rupee (India) plummeted 20% ...

According to the Ministry of Industry and Trade, although the State Bank has timely adjusted rate of export support, but in the context of the country's many direct competitors of Vietnam such as Brazil, India, Indonesia ... have internal devaluation currency to promote exports would create difficulties for Vietnam goods competitive on the international market in the last months.

Not to mention, the US is drafting guidelines for the consideration of aquatic species subject to the risk of IUU fishing (fishing illegal, undeclared ...). Some aquatic species important exporter of Vietnam are listed as "species at risk". If you apply this list, now Vietnam will export more and more difficult.

Difficult to achieve annual export target

Target plans to exports of the country in 2015 increased 10% over last year to 165 billion dollars. However, in the first 10 months, exports reached 134.6 billion dollars, equivalent to 81.6% of the plan, so each month last year to reach nearly 15.2 billion. According to the Ministry of Industry and Trade, this is a very difficult task so the industry needs more drastic solutions to support and promote export activities of enterprises.

Eu code : DL224

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